UNDP Promotes Public-Private Partnership For Sustainable Regional Development

ON 08/09/2024 AT 09 : 57 AM

The Regional Investment Council under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Issyk-Kul province has been established and launched its first meeting.

It will serve as a regular dialogue platform consisting of multiple stakeholders, including the state and municipal institutions, private sector, business community, finance sector and other interested parties in order to gradually strengthen public-private partnership (PPP) and thus build trusted relations.

More than 100 representatives of business, government agencies, international organizations, media and the public discussed a wide range of issues such as the long-term development perspectives and opportunities of Issyk-Kul province, including the development of the regional Investment Plan/Road Map, the current state and ways forward of public-private partnership, transformational PPP infrastructure and its developmental impact, further improvement of entrepreneurial ecosystem at the local level by focusing on youth, women and persons with disabilities. 

UNDP is committed to assisting national partners in the institutional development of regional councils across all regions. UNDP’s support includes organizing dialogue platforms, capacity building, and planning multi-sector investment programs or development plans. These efforts are in line with national plans and priorities such as the National Development Strategy and establishing regional investment councils. 

UNDP Resident Representative Alexandra Solovieva, underscored the critical role of public-private partnerships in achieving regional Sustainable Development Goals. She noted, “Public-private partnerships are essential for providing flexibility and innovative approaches in the implementation and financing of regional development projects. These partnerships have a catalytic effect, driving progress and fostering inclusive growth and trusted relations.” 

Participants also shared their insights on development and investment opportunities of the region and across the districts. Topics discuissed covered, inter-alia,  the development of entrepreneurial ecosystem at the local level, with a focus on youth and women entrepreneurship, as well as supporting entrepreneurship among people with disabilities. 

The meeting was organized by the Plenipotentiary Representation of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Issyk-Kul province in association  with the Secretariat of the Investment Council under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Center Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Center. And with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in the Kyrgyz Republic.