ADB Approves Support to Strengthen Health Systems in India

ON 06/20/2024 AT 08 : 30 AM

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on June 19 approved a $170 million policy-based loan to improve India’s health system preparedness and capacity to respond to future pandemics.

The Strengthened and Measurable Actions for Resilient and Transformative Health Systems (Subprogram 1) will support the government’s National Health Policy 2017, which aims to provide quality health care services to all. 

The program will strengthen disease surveillance systems to effectively respond to public health threats. It will set up laboratory networks for infectious disease surveillance at the state, union, and metropolitan levels. It will also support the establishment of robust data systems to monitor and coordinate national health programs for the poor, women, and other vulnerable groups. The program will improve the governance and coordination of India’s One Health approach, its multisector response to emerging infectious diseases.  

ADB will support policy reforms that will ensure there are adequate and competent health professionals and workers. This includes legislation that will regulate and maintain standards of education, services and professional conduct of nurses, midwives, allied workers, and doctors. The program will help public health and health management teams deployed in some states to  support public health functions and improve service delivery. 

The program will help manage integrated public health laboratories in five states and district critical care hospital blocks to improve services for infectious diseases and critical illnesses. It will assist the intersectoral governing body and multisector task force in establishing green and climate-resilient health care facilities. Innovative solutions for service delivery would also be supported.