CDC Opens New East Asia and Pacific Regional Office in Japan

ON 02/07/2024 AT 07 : 13 AM

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Mandy Cohen celebrated the opening of the new CDC East Asia and Pacific (EAP) regional office in Tokyo, Japan, at a ceremony that included U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel, Japan Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Keizo Takemi, diplomatic and health leaders from countries in the region, international organizations, and academic institutions.

CDC’s EAP regional office will further strengthen the United States Government’s global health impact by working with Japan, partner countries and regional organizations to prevent, detect and respond to health threats.

Priorities for the new regional office include:

  • Expanding CDC’s core global health security capacity by building stronger collaboration and partnerships in the East Asia and Pacific region,
  • The ability to detect public health threats and respond quickly, and
  • Knowledge and information exchange between CDC and the region.

Through this office, CDC will focus on identification, response, and mitigation of health threats in international settings to rapidly respond to outbreaks at their source and prevent spread to and within the U.S. Expanding government and nongovernment partnerships will help CDC build the trust and transparency needed for the rapid exchange of data, and it will also strengthen core global health security capacities. Partnering to train a global workforce to prevent, detect, and respond, and sharing scientific expertise will strengthen programs and people to prevent emerging threats.

Michelle McConnell, MD, has been named the new CDC EAP regional director, transitioning from her previous role as director for Asia and the Pacific in the Office of Global Affairs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In her new position, Dr. McConnell will formulate a global health security strategy for the region, oversee global health security activities, collaborate on the implementation of headquarters programs through partnership with CDC country offices, and engage with other relevant stakeholders.