UN-Habitat, Japan Collaborate To Develop The Residential Area Designated For Returnees

ON 02/02/2024 AT 06 : 00 AM

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) welcomes renewed collaboration with the Government of Japan to develop peacebuilding activities and durable solutions in Northern Iraq, with a focus on assisting returnees from Mosul, one of the most conflict-affected areas.

The new project is planned for development in Mosul, specifically within the residential zone designated for returnees as outlined in the city's Master Plan.

Among the anticipated outcomes, there will be an emphasis on the construction of social housing units, incorporating basic public infrastructure. 

Additionally, to enhance socio-economic stabilization, vocational training and a public outreach campaign on climate change adaptation will be extended to beneficiaries, especially those made most vulnerable in the aftermath of the conflict, such as women and children.

All activities are scheduled for completion by January 2025 and will be coordinated with the authorities of Mosul and Ninewa Governorate.

The upcoming endeavor will be based on the lessons learnt from the Bab Sinjar Housing Complex in Mosul, inaugurated in February 2023. It benefited 2,300 returnees, offering nine buildings with 324 units, all constructed by UN-Habitat and funded by the Government of Japan. The housing complex has been regarded as one of the best practices of durable solutions for returnees by the Government of Iraq and other humanitarian actors.

“This new project exemplifies the Government of Japan's longstanding commitment to durable solutions, facilitating returnees in rebuilding and smoothly reintegrating into their communities,” Mr. Futoshi Matsumoto, the Ambassador of Japan to Iraq, emphasized.

With recurring contributions since the Japanese Fiscal Year of 2004, the Government of Japan has been a vital partner to UN-Habitat’s Iraq Program.